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What Nightguards Do to Your Teeth?

Nightguards are dental devices made to guard your teeth from the harm caused by bruxism, a condition where people grind and clench their teeth while they sleep. Since it frequently happens unconsciously while sleeping, many people are unaware that they grind their teeth at night. Bruxism can eventually cause a number of dental problems, such as worn-down teeth, tooth sensitivity, and even jaw pain. Using a nightguard is a quick and easy way to protect your smile and maintain good oral health.

Understanding Bruxism:

The dental condition known as bruxism affects both children and adults. It involves teeth clenching and grinding, usually while you sleep. Although the precise cause of bruxism is not always known, stress, anxiety, and crooked teeth are frequently associated with it. The constant clenching and grinding places an excessive amount of pressure on the jaw and teeth, which over time, can cause a number of dental issues.

What are Nightguards?

Nightguards are made-to-measure dental appliances that are intended to fit over the upper or lower teeth. They are also referred to as occlusal guards or bite splints. During teeth grinding or clenching episodes, they prevent direct contact between the upper and lower teeth by forming a protective barrier between them. Most nightguards are made of comfortable, long-lasting materials that are simple to wear while you sleep.

The Benefits of Nightguards:

  • Protecting Tooth Enamel: Over time, the constant friction brought on by teeth grinding can erode the enamel. The cushioning action of nightguards lessens the force of grinding and shields the enamel from severe harm.
  • How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity: Increased tooth sensitivity brought on by worn-down enamel can make consuming hot or cold foods and beverages uncomfortable. Nightguards can lessen tooth sensitivity and discomfort by stopping enamel erosion.
  • Relieving Jaw Pain and Tension: Because of the excessive pressure bruxism places on the jaw joint, it frequently causes jaw pain and muscle tension. By helping to distribute the forces more evenly, nightguards can lessen pain and strain on the jaw.
  • Preventing Tooth Damage: Grinding your teeth can lead to tooth chipping, fractures, or even loosening. By serving as a barrier of defense, nightguards reduce the possibility of dental injuries brought on by bruxism.
  • Promoting Better Sleep: Bruxism can interfere with sleep cycles, which can result in restless nights and fatigue. People who grind their teeth at night can get better sleep, which will improve their overall health and well-being.

Getting a Nightguard:

The steps below are typically required to obtain a nightguard:

  • Consultation: Visit your dentist to have your teeth and jaw thoroughly examined. If a nightguard is necessary for your condition, your dentist will determine.
  • Customization: If a nightguard is advised, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to make a nightguard that is specifically designed to fit you. Customization guarantees a snug and secure fit.
  • When the nightguard is finished, your dentist will check to ensure it fits correctly and give you instructions on how to use and take care of it.

Maintaining Your Nightguard

It must be properly maintained for your nightguard to last and work effectively. Listed below are some pointers for keeping up your nightguard:

  1. Regularly brush your nightguard with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.
  2. After each use, thoroughly rinse your nightguard under cool water.
  3. To avoid deforming the nightguard, avoid cleaning it with hot water.
  4. Keep your nightguard in its case when not in use to protect it from contamination and damage.

Nightguards are essential dental devices that guard your smile while you sleep. Nightguards help protect your tooth enamel, lessen tooth sensitivity, ease jaw pain, and improve the quality of your sleep by halting the negative effects of teeth grinding and clenching. Ask your dentist if a nightguard is the best option for protecting your smile if you have bruxism or have been having dental problems due to teeth grinding. Your teeth and oral health are safeguarded with a custom-fit nightguard, allowing you to sleep soundly and smile confidently every morning.


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